Saturday, January 1, 2011

Why did I Start the Blog?

I started this blog so that everyone can share the things they are doing to stay healthy and to challenge each of us to follow in their footsteps. One of the specific purposes of this blog is to coordinate athletic events we can all participate in and provide training schedules and discussion opportunities.

We will also be posting ideas, recipes, and articles that will assist us in eating healthy. During my last pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to follow a very strict diet that left me more happy and energized during my last month than I had been the 9 months prior. Eating this way cleared my mind of depression and left me energized and happy. Its not everyday you find a women that will tell you that the last month of pregnancy was the best! I promise it was life changing and somehow freed my mind and body in a way that I cannot explain. My hope is that we can put it to the test and see if it has similar effects on everyone else!

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