Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Key to a Sucessful Diet

After being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes (GD), I was sent to a Dietitian Counselor to be educated on what to do.  I was expecting the counselor to give me an overview of nutrition, but instead I learned about Carbohydrate Limits and was given a meal plan to follow.  There are a few things you need to know.

As far as your body is concerned there are only 3 main groups of food: Carbohydrates, protein, and fat.  Each of these is important, but I have learned that the key to a successful diet is to limit your intake to levels your body can healthily manage at one given time.

People with diabetes struggle at keeping their blood glucose levels in balance.  For some reason or another, their body is not getting enough insulin to balance the amount of sugar they've consumed.  So in order for them to keep their blood glucose levels near normal, and without insulin injections or medication, they need to balance the amount food they eat, especially carbohydrates. 

What does your body consider as a Carbohydrate?  More than you think!!!

Your body will treat starches, fruits, milks, and desserts as sugar.  Regardless of its nutritional value, the glucose amount is the same.  Each of these types of foods are classified by your body as a carbohydrate.  This is important to know! 

Remember the key to a successful diet is to limit your intake to levels your body can healthily manage at one given time.

More to come...


  1. Ok Jack... I'm ready for more! I hope u will keep this blog going so I can learn more! I try to be healthy but I just love treats:) And I have a problem with the whole carb thing because I LOVE fruit. I feel like I'm justified in eating 3 peaches in a row if I want because they are healthy! I'm excited to see what u have to teach me! Miss u.

  2. Hi Chan - Thanks for the comment. It's good to know somebody is reading. I hope I can keep everyone interested even though there will be a lot of lessons in the begining.
