Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Here's Another Example

Breakfast:  1/2 a shake again (32.5gms)  

AM Snack:  Other half of the shake (32.5gms)

Lunch:  Turkey sandwich and an apple (25gms + 15gms = 40gms)

Mid Day snack:  I was busy so I just had a tangerine (15gms)

Dinner:  Made a pizza style salad.  Lettuce, ham, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, cucumbers, ranch, salt and pepper... YUM! (about 15-20 gms)

PM snack:  I made breadsticks for dinner but they didn't get finished until after my volleyball games so I ate one for my PM snack.  (30gms)

Breakfast:                 Carb gms:  30
Mid-AM Snack:       Carb gms:  30
Lunch:                      Carb gms:  45
Mid-PM snack:        Carb gms:  30
Dinner:                     Carb gms:  45
PM snack:                Carb gms:  30

You can eat whatever food you want so long as you have planned your meals around these limits and wait at least 2 hours in between each meal.  I will continue to post a few more examples of meals I eat to help me stay within the limits.

ONE MORE THING... if you don't eat at every meal you are going to get hungry and overeat at the next meal.  So... try and eat when you are supposed to.

1 comment:

  1. Here's My example, just to let you know I did it today, and I have stayed full the entire day, but I still want my chocolate :(
    Breakfast: MultiGrain Bread with one egg and 2 tsp ketchup: 24 gm
    Mid Morning: Fiber One Granola Bar 20 gm (you said Carbs-Fiber right? 29 carbs, 9 gms fiber = 20 carbs)
    Lunch: Potato Soup and 1 pc multigrain bread, 20+20= 40 carb gm
    Mid PM snack: Carrot, broccoli, radishes and cottage cheese= 10 carb gm
    Dinner: Salad with chicken, peas, broccoli, carrots, peas and ranch 1 pc multigrain bread- 20+20= 40 carb gm.
    PM snack-haven't had it yet but planning on an apple=20
    I would love to see some other meal ideas. I have a great program, DietPower that helps because it calculates carbs from recipes too.
    Thanks for the great help. . .I'm excited to do this :)
