Saturday, January 15, 2011

Salad, Salad, Salad!

I think that dinners can be one of the hardest meals to prepare when you are conscious about your carbs.  One way my husband and I have overcome that is to have salad 2-3 times a week.  The fresh vegetables are so refreshing!  There are so many good salads and salad dressings out there:  Chef Salad, Oriental Salad, Pizzeria Style Salad, Taco Salads etc.  Please post one of your favorite salad recipes for us to try.  I have already posted my Pizzeria Salad in an earlier post so here is another one of mine:

Salad Ingredients
Lettuce (I like to blend green leaf lettuce with iceberg lettuce)
Breaded Chicken*
Chopped Celery
Frozen Peas
Cut up Baby Carrots
Ranch Dressing (... the BYU Creamery has a great ranch dressing!)
Salt & Pepper (If you have never tried this on salad you are missing out.  It's great!)

*I make the chicken from the frozen breaded chicken you can buy at the store.  I prepare it in a skillet using water instead of oil or vegetable spray.  I have found that with the water, it will un-thaw the chicken and then recook it like it was fresh.  When it is finished it is crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside and perfect for cutting into strips to serve with the salad.  Try it out!

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite salads is romaine lettuce mixed with some cilantro. The toppings- corn, black beans, tomatoes, avocados, sweet peppers. Then you smother it in ranch!
