Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Meal Plan

The goal of meal plan is to distribute your recommended grams of carbohydrates throughout the day in small meals your body manage before you eat again.  The meals and carbohydrate limits are as follows:

Breakfast:                 Carb gms:  30
Mid-AM Snack:       Carb gms:  30
Lunch:                      Carb gms:  45
Mid-PM snack:        Carb gms:  30
Dinner:                     Carb gms:  45
PM snack:                Carb gms:  30

So at each meal you are allowed to eat the amount of carbohydrates shown and no more.  Then you need to wait for at least 2 hours before you eat again.  The reasoning behind this comes down to your body’s ability to convert the carbs into energy you can use and ultimately lower your blood sugar levels before your next meal.

If you can... try and buy this book.  Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes.  It is available on for $3.25 and will help you easily find carb amounts in foods.  It breaks down food amounts into 15gm options.  I use it multiple times a day.  Here is the link:

Note... I am not a professional.  The actual amounts of carbohydrates you need may be different, but these amounts work perfect for me.  This is based on a 2100 calorie diet.  The complete meal plan from the dietitian is listed below.

Breakfast:              Carb gms:  30
                             Carb Choices:  2 (Suggested: 1 starch, 1 milk)
                             Protein: 1 oz
                             Fat: 2 Servings                       

Mid-AM Snack:    Carb gms:  30
                             Carb Choices:  2 (Suggested: 1 starch, 1 milk)
                             Protien: 1 oz
Lunch:                   Carb gms:  45
                             Carb Choices:  3 (Suggested: 2 starch, 1 Fruit)
                             Protein: 2-3 oz
                             Fat: 2 Servings
Mid-PM snack:     Carb gms:  30
                             Carb Choices:  2 (Suggested: 1 starch, 1 Fruit or milk)
                             Protien: 1 oz
Dinner:                  Carb gms:  45
                             Carb Choices:  3 (Suggested: 1 starch, 1 Fruit, 1 milk)
                             Protein: 3 oz
                             Fat: 2-3 Servings
PM snack:            Carb gms:  30
                            Carb Choices:  2 (Suggested: 1 starch, 1 fruit or milk)
                             Protein: 1 oz

More to come….

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