Monday, January 3, 2011

Meal Plan Example

This morning for breakfast I made a carnation breakfast shake.  I used 2 cups of milk (24gms), 1 extra small banana (15gms), and one chocolate breakfast packet (26gms) to make my drink.  Together that gave me a total of 65gms of carbohydrates.  I divided the drink in two and drank half of it for breakfast and half of it for my mid-am snack.  It was delicious!

TOTAL AM SNACK = 32.5gms

I was in the mood for chips and salsa for lunch so I made a salsa dip with avocado in it.  The dip had a total of 2gms of carbohydrates since the avocado doesn't have any carbs at all.  My carbs added up with the chips.  14 Chips gave me approximately 30gms of carbs.  I also ate a couple of apple slices (3-4gms) and was good. 


I plan to eat one slice of toast (17gms) with chunky peanut butter (5gms) on it for my MID-PM.  It's a great source of protein and will help me feel full until dinner.  Depending on how hungry I am at this point, I may snack on some non-starchy veggies like carrots or broccoli (1 cup of raw veggies and 1/2 cup of cooked veggies = 5gms carb).   NOTE:  The best bread I have found is the Sara Lee's 100% whole wheat bread.  It has about 11gms of carbs per slice.  I am out right now so I have to use what I've got instead.

TOTAL MID PM = 23-28gms

For dinner we are having Tilapia (0gms) 1/2 a lg. baked potato (30gms) and some steamed veggies (5gms) with a glass of milk (1 cup =12gms). 


After dinner I was planning on watching a movie with my family.  I will probably have around 4 cups of kettle corn (15gms).  NOTE:  When you look at a package of food to find out how many carbs it has you have to also look at the amount of fiber it has and subtract it from your carb total.  For example the popcorn I eat has 23gms of carbs but 7gms of fiber.  That means that I only have to count 15gms per serving towards my meal.  J


I drink lots of water throughout the day and take a daily vitamin to make sure I am getting all the nutrition I can!   I'd love to hear your comments.


  1. Hello- Welcome to the blog world!

    Do you ever feel full on this diet? I was kinda shocked that you only drank half a shake for breakfast.

    Can't wait to read more.

  2. Ya, can u give me a typical day meal plan of things you actually ate while on this diet?

  3. I'm really excited you're doing this. I know I have insulin issues but have never really understood how it all works. I'm ready to get started.

  4. I can't eat the same things everyday... I just make whatever I am in the mood for. These are things I ate on the diet. I am still on it so the meals I post are are something you can use.

  5. lol... The breakfast shakes are great for me. When I first started following the limits I wanted to start crying when my food was gone but now I am used to the smaller portions. I've learned that if I eat all day I never overeat. :)
